Christmas, Creativity, handmade, Holiday Decor, Home decor, Uncategorized

Christmas Gifts

How many of you struggle with buying the right gift for some people?? I always enjoy giving gifts but sometimes some people are just more difficult to purchase for. Why?? Because finding just the right gift can be difficult!

I had those people in mind when I started creating these ceramic tile coasters. These coasters are great for anyone’s home decor. They can be used year around and will last a lifetime.

Each one of these are done individually by myself. Now I did NOT make the ceramic tiles of course but I did create the images and decorations on the top of each one.  So that makes them very unique.

What makes these another great idea is they will be delivered right to your doorstep. If you’re like me shopping from your home on your couch in your pjs makes shopping much more fun!

If these aren’t the right coasters for you check out the other creations at the link below. Send me a message and let’s create the perfect gift for your people on your list together.




Creativity, handmade, Holiday Decor, Home decor

New creations

Good morning world!!!!

Wow have I been having fun in the craft room, well umm let’s be honest my dining room! Yes I have a so called “craft room” but it is not the best place to create. Bad lighting, not comfortable, oh yes and let’s not forget the Creating table is a MESS! Well enough about my messy  messy craft room.

This is the reason for my blog today my new found creations

Christmas ornaments!!! Wow what fun these have been to create.

Choosing colors, picking a technique, making a mess…yes the mess is always the fun part!

All of these ornaments are glass and have been sealed so they will give you years of beauty for your tree. I also think they will make a great gift for anyone!

I will also make custom colors if you contact me!

Want to see the others??? Just click the link below and check them out!

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my blog and my site!

Creativity, Glass etching, handmade, Holiday Decor, Home decor, Uncategorized

Do you use candles

I have always loved lighting candles in my home especially in the Fall and Winter. There is always something special about the glow of a candle in a home especially when the days get shorter and cooler.

One thing I have always had an issue with was a nice candleholder to put these candles in. Yes, you can purchase different ones at the store but I wanted something more unique and different.

That was when I discovered glass etching. I was in love it gives a very cool glow when the  candle is lit and a great decoration even when it is not. Then I decided hey I want to add some color…so along came more experimenting!

The picture on the left is with color on the etching the picture on the right is just the glass etching!

Yay problem solved at least for now!!!

If you want to check out some of the other projects I have done please visit the link below

